ORIGIN: Droitwich, Worcestershire
MIGRATION: 1620 on Mayflower
RETURN TRIPS: Returned to England by 1627
ESTATE: In the 1623 Plymouth division of lands "Gilbard Winslow" received one acre as a passenger on the Mayflower [PCR 12:4]. His name does not appear in the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle.
The inventory of the estate of his brother KENELM WINSLOW included "one half of the portion of land granted by the Court to him [Kenelm Winslow] and his brother Josias Winslow upon the account of their brother Gilbert Winslow as he was a first comer" [MD 24:42, citing PCPR 3:1:56].
On 1 June 1663, Plymouth Court acknowledged "Gilbert Winslow, deceased, who was one of the first comers, to have a right of land, and do allow his heirs to look out and propose to the Court some parcel of land that the Court may think meet to accommodate them in" [PCR 4:40]. BIRTH: Baptized Droitwich, Worcestershire, 29 October 1600, son of Edward and Magdalen (Oliver) Winslow [NEHGR 4:297, 21:120]. DEATH: In England by 1650 [Bradford 447].
MARRIAGE: None recorded.
CHILDREN: None recorded.
COMMENTS: In his list of those on the Mayflower Bradford included Gilbert Winslow, and reported of him in 1651 that "after diver years here, [he] returned into England and died there" [Bradford 443,447].
Writing in 1994 about Mayflower passengers who returned to England, Doris Jones-Baker was unable to find anything about Gilbert Winslow in English records [Genealogists' Magazine 24:490-91].

The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633
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