In Bradford's accounting of the passengers on the Mayflower, the family of Edward Tilley included "two children that were their cousins, Henry Sampson and Humility Cooper" [Bradford 442]; but by 1651 "the girl Humility ... was sent for into England and died there" [Bradford 446].
In the 1623 Plymouth land division, "Humillitie Cooper" was granted one acre as a passenger on the Mayflower [PCR 12:4]. In the 1627 Plymouth cattle division "Humillyty Cooper" was the last person in the fifth company [PCR 12:10].
COMMENTS: Robert Leigh Ward has greatly illuminated the kinship relations of EDWARD TILLEY, JOHN TILLEY, HENRY SAMPSON and Humility Cooper, and has shown that Edward Tilley's wife was Agnes Cooper [TAG 52:198-208]. In a later article Ward published "the adult baptism of 'Humilitie,' daughter of Robert Cooper, on 17 March 1638/9 in the parish of Holy Trinity, Minories at the edge of the City of London. The entry states that she was born in Holland and was aged 19 years" [TG 6:166]. In this latter article Ward goes on to provide several generations of Cooper ancestry. The adult baptism for Humility Cooper would mean that she was no more than a year old at the time the Mayflower sailed. She must have died in the twelve years between her baptism and Bradford's accounting of the Mayflower passengers; there is no evidence whether or not she married and had children, although Bradford gives no hint that she might have.

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