Richard Gardiner came to Plymouth in 1620 on the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower Compact [Bradford 443]. In the 1623 Plymouth land division "Richard Gardener" was granted one acre [PCR 12:4], but he does not appear in the 1627 cattle division.
According to Bradford, "Richard Gardiner became a seaman and died in England or at sea" [Bradford 447]. In a letter of May 1624 Emmanuel Altham, then at Plymouth, reported to James Sherley that Governor Bradford would "provide me a sufficient man for master, notwithstanding Richard Gardiner hath earnestly requested it, claiming it as his due by place, but some say not by sufficiency. I will say no more concerning him because I know you shall understand it by others; only thus much I must needs say: that so far as he could, he was willing to help us with the ship. And now he takes it somewhat unkindly that, seeing the Company have sent our ship's company assurance for their wages, that he is not intimated therein" [Three Visitors 47-48].

The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633
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