ORIGIN: Dorking, Surrey
MIGRATION: 1620 in Mayflower
OCCUPATION: Shoemaker (based on the contents of his estate). ESTATE: On 23 July 1621 administration on the estate of Williams Mullins was granted to "Sare Blunden alias Mullins filie naturali et legitime dicti defuncti" [Sara Blunden alias Mullins, natural and legitimate daughter of the said deceased] [MQ 34:10; Waters 254-55; MD 1 :230-32 (all citing PCC 68 Dale)].
In his will (probably nuncupative), dated 2 April 1621 and proved July 1621, William Mullins directed that from the £40 in the hand of Goodman Woodes "I give my wife £10, my son Joseph £10, my daughter Priscilla £10, and my eldest son £10, also I give to my eldest son all my debts, bonds, bills (only that £40 excepted in the hands of Goodman Wood) ... with all the stock in his own hands"; to "my eldest daughter I give 1 Os. to be paid out of my son's stock"; "the goods I have in Virginia as followeth, to my wife Alice half my goods & to Joseph and Priscilla the other half equally divided"; "I have twenty-one dozen of shoes and thirteen pair of boots which I give into the Company's hands for £40 at seven years ... or as my overseers shall think good"; "and if they like them at that rate at the divident I shall have nine shares whereof I give as followeth, two to my wife, two to my son William, two to my son Joseph, two to my daughter Priscilla, and one to the Company"; "if my son William will come to Virginia I give him my share of land"; to "my two overseers Mr. John Carver and Mr. Williamson, 20s. apiece to see this my will performed desiring them that he would have an eye over my wife and children to be as fathers and friends to them, also to have a special eye to my man Robert which hath not so approved himself as I would he should have done" [MQ 34:10; Waters 254-55; MD 1:230-32 (all citing PCC 68 Dale)].
BIRTH: By about 1572 (based on marriage date of parents), son of John and Joan (Bridger) Mullins [MF 16:1:16].
DEATH: Plymouth 21 February 1620/1 ("February 21. Die Mr. William White, Mr. William Mullins, with two more" [Prince 184)).
MARRIAGE: By 1593 Alice __ (assuming she is the mother of all the children); she died at Plymouth in the first winter.
- WILLIAM, b. say 1593; m. (1) by 1618 _____ [MQ 39:83]; m. (2) Boston 7 May 1656 Ann ( __ ) Bell [BVR 56], widow of Thomas Bell. (William Mullins was in Duxbury by 1637, died apparently early in 1674, and had a daughter who married three times but had no children [MD 7:37-48, 179-83].)
- JOSEPH, b. say 1596; d. Plymouth in the first winter.
- SARAH, b. say 1598; m. by 1622 __ Blunden [PCC 68 Dale].
- PRISCILLA, b. say 1603; m. by about 1623 JOHN ALDEN [PM 4].
COMMENTS: In his accounting of the passengers on the Mayflower Bradford included "Mr. William Mullins and his wife and two children, Joseph and Priscilla; and a servant, Robert Carter" [Bradford 442]. In the listing of the fate of these passengers in 1651 he reported that "Mr. Mullins and his wife, his son and his servant died the first winter. Only his daughter Priscila survived, and married with John Alden; who are both living and have eleven children. And their eldest daughter is married and hath five children [Bradford 445].
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: A summary of what is known about the English background of William Mullins is incorporated in the Five Generations Project volume on John Alden [MF 16:1:14-19]. In 2004 Caleb Johnson published some records from Dorking, Surrey, for this immigrant [TAG 79:161].

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