ORIGIN: Leiden, Holland
MIGRATION: 1620 on the Mayflower
BIRTH: Baptized Henlow, Bedfordshire, 19 December 1571, son of Robert and Elizabeth (_) Tilley [TAG 52:203].
DEATH: Late 1620 or early 1621 [Bradford 446].
MARRIAGE: Henlow 20 September 1596 Joan (Hurst) Rogers. She had married (1) Thomas Rogers. She died in late 1620 or early 1621 [Bradford 446].
- ROSE, bp. Henlow 23 October 1597; no further record.
- JOHN, bp. Henlow 26 August 1599; no further record.
- ROSE, bp. Henlow 28 February 1601/2; no further record.
- ROBERT, bp. Henlow 25 November 1604; no further record.
- ELIZABETH, bp. Henlow 30 August 1607; m. about 1625 JOHN HOWLAND [PM 279].
ASSOCIATIONS: John Tilley was the elder brother of EDWARD TILLEY [PM 461], who also died in the first sickness.
COMMENTS: 'John Tilley and his wife, and Elizabeth their daughter" were passengers on the Mayflower [Bradford 442]. "John Tilley and his wife both died a little after they came 1 ashore. And their daughter Elizabeth married with John Howland and hath issue as is before noted" [Bradford 446].
John Tilley joined the expedition of 6 December 1620 along the coast with nine others, under the leadership of Miles Standish [Young's Pilgrim Fathers 149].
John Tilley joined the expedition of 6 December 1620 along the coast with nine others, under the leadership of Miles Standish [Young's Pilgrim Fathers 149].
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In addition to the items noted in the sketch of EDWARD TILLEY, Robert Leigh Ward in 1985 published some additional biographical information on John Tilley [TAG 60:171-73].

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