ORIGIN: Leiden, Holland
MIGRATION: 1620 on Mayflower
BIRTH: By about 1590 based on estimated ages of children.
DEATH: Plymouth 1620-1 in the first sickness [Bradford 446].
MARRIAGE: By about 1615 ____ . She did not come over.
- Son, b. say 1615; d. Plymouth 1620-1 [Bradford 446].
- Son, b. say 1617; d. Plymouth 1620-1 [Bradford 446].
- (probably) ELIZABETH, b. say 1619; m. and living in Salem in 1650 (see COMMENTS below).
COMMENTS: Robert Cushman sent his letters to those intending to sail on the Mayflower by way of John Turner [Bradford 365-66].
Bradford describes the Mayflower passengers, including "John Turner, and two sons; he had a daughter came some years after to Salem, where she is now living" [Bradford 443]. In 1651 Bradford reported that 'John Turner and his two sons all died in the first sickness. But he hath a daughter still living at Salem, well married, and approved of' [Bradford 446]. Robert S. Wakefield in "Mayflower Passengers Turner and Rogers: Probable Identification of Additional Children" (TAG 52:110-13) presents evidence indicating that the daughter of John Turner who came to New England after 1620 (probably in 1629 or 1630) was "Lysbet Turner" who appears in the 1622 Poll Tax list for Leiden. Wakefield argues convincingly that she was the Elizabeth Turner who witnessed a deed in Salem on 8 October 1635, and joined the church there on 28 December 1637. These dates would indicate that she was born no later than 1621; if this is in fact her date of birth, then she would have been born after her father sailed for New England, and posthumously; she could also have been born a few years earlier. In order to complete this identification, a search should be undertaken for a Salem man with wife named Elizabeth, the marriage taking place between 1637 and 1650, and probably closer to the earlier date.

The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633
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The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633
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This authoritative work by Robert Charles Anderson identifies and describes all Europeans who settled in New England prior to the end of 1633. Each individual or family entry includes (when known) the port or country of origin; when and on what ship they arrived in New England; the earliest known record of the individual or family; their first and subsequent residences; return trips to their country of origin; marriages, births, and deaths; and other important family relationships. This work is available in print and database form on