ORIGIN: London
MIGRATION: 1620 on Mayflower
ESTATE: In the 1623 Plymouth division of land Richard Warren received an uncertain number of acres (perhaps two) as a passenger on the Mayflower, and five acres as a passenger on the Anne (presumably for his wife and children) [PCR 12:4-6]. In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle Richard Warren, his wife Elizabeth Warren, Nathaniel Warren, Joseph Warren, Mary Warren, Anna Warren, Sarah Warren, Elizabeth Warren and Abigail Warren were the first nine persons in the ninth company [PCR 12:12]. He was one of the purchasers [PCR 2:177].
In the 25 March 1633 Plymouth tax list Widow Warren was assessed 12s., and in the list of 27 March 1634, 9s. [PCR 1:10, 27].
On 1 July 1633 "Mrs. Warren and Rob[er]t Bartlet" were allowed to mow where they did the previous year, and again 14 March 1635/6 [PCR 1:15, 41].
On 28 October 1633, "a misted that was granted formerly to Richard Warren, deceased, & forfeited by a late order, for want of building, the said misted was granted to Mr. Raph Fog & his heirs forever, provided the said Raph within twelve months build a dwelling house upon the same, & allow widow Warren so much for her fence remaining thereon as Rob[er]t Reeks & Christopher Wadsworth shall think it may be serviceable to the said Raph" [PCR 1: 18].
On 7 March 1636/7 "it is agreed upon, by the consent of the whole Court, that Elizabeth Warren, widow, the relict of Mr. Richard Warren, deceased, shall be entered, and stand, and be purchaser instead of her said husband, as well because that (he dying before he had performed the said bargain) the said Elizabeth performed the same after his decease, as also for the establishing of the lots of lands given formerly by her unto her sons-in-law Richard Church, Robert Bartlett and Thomas Little, in marriage with their wives, her daughters" [PCR 1:54, 2: 177].
On 5 May 1640 "Richard Church, Rob[er]te Bartlett, Thomas Little, & Mrs. Elizabeth Warren are granted enlargements at the heads of their lots to the foot of the Pyne Hills, leaving a way betwixt them and the Pyne Hills, for cattle and carts to pass" [PCR 1:152].
On 11 June 1653, as the result of a disagreement between Mrs. Elizabeth Warren and her son, Nathaniel, and a petition offered in court by Mrs. Jane Collier on behalf of her grandchild, Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Warren, the court chose four indifferent men to settle the matter of access to lands [MD 2:64, citing PCLR 2:73].
On 4 March 1673/4 Mary Bartlett, wife of Robert Bartlett, came into this court and owned "that she hath received full satisfaction for whatsoever she might claim as due from the estate of Mistris Elizabeth Warren, deceased, and John Cooke, in the behalf of all her sisters, testified the same before the court; and the court doth hereby settle the remainder of the said estate on Joseph Warren" [PCR 5:139-40].
BIRTH: By about 1578 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH: Plymouth 1628. ("This year died Mr. Richard Warren, who hath been mentioned before in this book, and was an useful instrument; and during his life bore a deep share in the difficulties and troubles of the first settlement of the plantation of New-Plymouth" [Morton 85].
MARRIAGE: Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, 14 April 1610 Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Augustine Walker [TAG 78:81-86]. She died at Plymouth on 2 October 1673, aged about 90 (probably an exaggeration) [PCR 8:35].
- MARY, b. about 1610 ( d. Plymouth 27 March 1683 "in her 73d year" [PChR 1 :250]); m. say 1629 ROBERT BARTLETT [PM 42] (date based on estimated age of children at their marriages).
- ANN, b. about 1612 (deposed 6 June 1672 "aged sixty years or thereabouts" [MD 2: 178, citing PCPR 3:1:40]); m. Plymouth 19 April 1633 THOMAS LITTLE [PCR 1:13; PM 305].
- SARAH, b. by 1613 (named in grandfather's will of 19 April 1613 [TAG 78:83, citing Commissary Court of London, Essex and Herts, DI ABW 41/186]); m. Plymouth 28 March 1634 John Cooke Junior [PCR 1 :29], son of FRANCIS COOKE [PM 144].
- ELIZABETH, b. say 1615; m. by 7 March 1636/7 [PCR 1:54; TAG 60:129-30] (and probably by 14 March 1635/6 [PCR 1:41, 56, 152]) RICHARD CHURCH [PM 105] (he shared mowing land with Mrs. Warren 14 March 1635/6 [PCR 1:41]).
- ABIGAIL, b. say 1619; m. Plymouth 8 (or 9) November 1639 Anthony Snow [PCR 1:134].
- NATHANIEL, b. about 1624 (deposed 15 October 1661 "aged thirty-seven years or thereabouts" [MD 2: 178-79, citing PCLR 2:2:56]); m. Plymouth 19 November 1645 Sarah Walker [PCR 2:94]. (See WILLIAM COLLIER for discussion of her possible ancestry [PM 128].)
- JOSEPH, b. Plymouth by 1627; m. about 1653 Priscilla Faunce, daughter of JOHN FAUNCE (eldest child b. Plymouth 23 September 1653 [PCR 8:33]), daughter of JOHN FAUNCE [PM 201].
COMMENTS: In his accounting of the passengers on the Mayflower Bradford included "Mr. Richard Warren, but his wife and children were left behind and came afterwards" [Bradford 442]. As of 1651, Bradford reported that "Mr. Richard Warren lived some four or five years and had his wife come over to him, by whom he had two sons before [he] died, and one of them is married and hath two children. So his increase is four. But he had five daughters more came over with his wife, who are all married and living, and have many children [Bradford 445-46].
Richard Warren was in the party that explored the outer cape in early December 1620; he was described as being of London [Mourt 32].
On 5 July 1635, Thomas Williams, servant of widow Warren, confessed that "there being some dissention between him and his dame, she, after other things, exhorted him to fear God & do his duty, he answered, he neither feared God, nor the devil" [PCR 1 :35]. He was reproved and released [PCR 1:35]. On 5 January 1635/6 widow Warren paid 30s. to Thomas Clarke for borrowing his boat, and although returning it to a place of usual safety, an extraordinary storm wrecked it [PCR 1:36]. On 3 June 1639 "Mr. Andrew Hellot" was ordered to pay Mrs. Warren 10s. to settle an account between them [PCR 7: 12].
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1938 L. Effingham deforest published a thorough study of Richard Warren [Moore Anc 561-70]. In 1999 the Five Generations Project of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants published the first of three volumes of the descendants of Richard Warren, covering the first four generations, compiled by Robert S. Wakefield. The second and third volumes, covering the fifth-generation descendants, were published in 1999 and 2001. In 2003 Edward J. Davies published two articles that present the evidence for the marriage of Richard Warren and for some of his wife's family [TAG 78:81-86, 274-75].

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