From Bradford's list of persons on the Mayflower: "John Allerton and Thomas English were both hired, the latter to go master of a shallop here .... But they both died here before the ship returned" (i.e., during the winter of 1620/1) [Bradford 443].
COMMENTS: Dexter claimed that a Thomas England who witnessed a marriage at Leiden in 1613 was the same as this Thomas English, and he was followed in this by Banks [Dexter 614; English Homes 53].

The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633
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The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633
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This authoritative work by Robert Charles Anderson identifies and describes all Europeans who settled in New England prior to the end of 1633. Each individual or family entry includes (when known) the port or country of origin; when and on what ship they arrived in New England; the earliest known record of the individual or family; their first and subsequent residences; return trips to their country of origin; marriages, births, and deaths; and other important family relationships. This work is available in print and database form on