Meet the living descendants of the Mayflower passengers

Are you part of the Mayflower story?

Entries on the map and gallery on this website are submitted by members of the public and are not verified by American Ancestors.
American Ancestors can help you discover and document your ancestry.

A pink flower symbol next to a person's name indicates membership in the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, a lineage society that requires verified documentation of Mayflower ancestry for membership.  


John Alden
Isaac Allerton
John Billington
William Bradford
William Brewster
Peter Brown
James Chilton
Francis Cooke
Edward Doty
Francis Eaton
Moses Fletcher
Edward Fuller
Samuel Fuller
Stephen Hopkins
John Howland
Richard More
William Mullins
Degory Priest
Thomas Rogers
Henry Samson
George Soule
Myles Standish
John Tilley
Richard Warren
William White
Edward Winslow
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Gallery of Mayflower Descendants Today

Elna Cox


Edward Doty

Age: 66


Missouri, United States

Anne Gardner


Edward Doty, Degory Priest

Age: 53


Rhode Island, United States

“I have roots to the Mayflower pilgrims, and also to the local indigenous tribes. This rich heritage of movers and shakers who persevered under unimaginable conditions tells me that I have resilience in my DNA. This history of resilience and ingenuity has helped me accomplish my goals. ”

David Chase


John Alden, Isaac Allerton, William Mullins, Henry Samson, Richard Warren, William White

Age: 58


New York, United States

“I'd like to honor the woman on the Mayflower who bore the children from whom I descend: Priscilla Mullins, Mary Norris, Mary Allerton (the longest surviving passenger), and Susanna Jackson who gave birth aboard the ship. After all there would be no living descendants today if it weren’t for the women from whom we descend!”

Sherill Baldwin


John Alden, William Brewster, Edward Doty, Samuel Fuller, Stephen Hopkins, William Mullins, Myles Standish, Richard Warren


Connecticut, United States

“I'm pleased I can link my family histories with those that took the adventurous trip to these shores.”

Bradley Douglas


William White

Age: 59


California, United States

“Link to the past.”

Linda Peterson


Edward Doty


Texas, United States

“I love history and this connects me to history.”

Linda Evans


James Chilton, Richard Warren

Age: 76


Vermont, United States

“I feel a deep connection to the history of our country and New England in particular. My ancestors on both my mother's and father's families have lived in this region since the Great Migration. And on my mothers side, they have been here since the Mayflower arrived.”

Jeff Bixby


John Howland

Age: 61


South Carolina, United States

“Huge family history interest. Just started last year on tracing my lineage back to Mayflower passengers. Love knowing where my family is linked to.”

Linda Rockwell Peterson


Edward Doty

Age: 66


Texas, United States

“I am honored to be a descendant of the Mayflower and glad Edward Doty survived!”

John Bowie


Francis Cooke, John Howland, John Tilley, Richard Warren

Age: 51


Georgia, United States

“I have fell in love with researching my history. I find it so fascinating to learn about all the many ancestors that came before me and to find out that they were also a part of starting this great nation and the sacrifice they endured and the courage to leave to try and make a better life for themselves and their families is incredible.”

Lois Mackin


Francis Cooke, Thomas Rogers

Age: 69


Minnesota, United States

“I love being connected to this courageous group of men and women!”

William B Tracy


Edward Fuller, Richard Warren

Age: 75


Colorado, United States

“I admire the bravery of our Pilgrim ancestors (even though they had a low tolerance for diverse beliefs) and like to think that I inherited some of their better qualities.”

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